We Launched Our New WordPress Website

COMPANY NAME is proud to announce that our newly redesigned website has launched. Our new site is built in the easy-to-use content management system, WordPress, by Raleigh web design and digital marketing agency TheeDesign. WordPress allows us to quickly and simply edit content, upload photos and videos, add pages, post articles, and more without the help of a developer.

COMPANY uses interactive navigation on our site to and features an on-site blog to help us serve as a top resource for the INDUSTRY.

Some of our favorite features of our new site are:

WordPress Website with an Easy User-Experience

Our new WordPress website features a simple, clean user experience for our website visitors. The new design makes it quick and easy to find our company information, products/services, and contact information. The convenient front-end layout is complimented by an equally convenient back-end layout. After receiving WordPress training from TheeDesign, our team can update information, post company news, and manage our website lead submissions. We love that our new site is intuitive and simple, making it easy for us to manage our website.

Responsive Web Design for User-Friendly Viewing on Mobile and Tablet Devices

Our website is now mobile-friendly! This is one of the most exciting features for COMPANY. By using responsive web design technology, our site is now compatible with different mobile devices. Our visitors can fully view and access our website on any size screen or mobile device, including smartphones and tablets. This cool feature allows us to expand our reach and be accessible to our customers anywhere, at any time.

Advanced Photo Gallery

We think it’s important to showcase our products and services visually, so TheeDesign built an advanced photo gallery for our visitors to browse. The gallery is easy for our team to update with new products and descriptions, providing clients with information that is always accurate and up-to-date.

Client Testimonials Manager Tool

We developed an easy-to-use customer review management tool for COMPANY.

Easy to Use Onsite Blog to Manage Content on Your Schedule

Our new website features an on-site blog for us to share company news, industry news, and more with our clients. The blog is simple for our team to update as frequently as we’d like and allows COMPANY website to share relevant information for the INDUSTRY community. Be sure to check it frequently to stay up on the latest company news.

Effective Lead Generation Forms to Maximize Our Online Marketing Efforts

One of the most useful components of our new site is our online contact form for lead generation. Our website users can request a quote, ask a question, schedule a consultation, or sign up for our newsletter just by filling out a quick, easy contact form on our website. Our team can easily manage these forms, making it easier than ever to get in contact with our customers and prospects.

Team Management Tool

Our new site includes a cool feature that allows us to display our team member/staff information to our site visitors. We can easily update individuals or information to our staff page. We can upload their headshot and their biography, as well as links to personal social profiles for visitors to access. Each team member can be managed individually or updated easily as we rotate board members in new elections or add to our team.

Slideshow to Promote Featured Content on Home Page

Our newly designed home page features a slideshow to promote our featured products/services to our website viewers. By highlighting a slideshow of our services right on the home page, our website visitors can easily find what they are looking for, or learn more about a certain product without having to search all over for more information. Our team can easily change or update the slides as our featured products or services change.

Event Calendar Integration

Another important feature our new site has is our event calendar. The event calendar allows COMPANY to create and manage events that we host or participate in. We can set the time, date, and image for each event and include more details about the event. It also allows our clients and prospects to see what will be going on at COMPANY, and give the community a chance to get involved if they want to.

We are proud of our new site and hope you like it too! We invite you to click around and explore the new features. When we decided it was time to update our website, we searched Google for Raleigh web design and found TheeDesign. After meeting their team, we knew they understood our vision and goals, and were the perfect partner to help us bring our ideas to life.

We highly encourage our customers to explore our new website and click through all the features to see for yourselves. Don’t forget to check out our blog, where we will feature the latest news about various INDUSTRY topics such as(INDUSTRY EXAMPLES). For more information about how we can help with your needs, fill out our easy to use contact form on our website, or call us at PHONE NUMBER.

If you are interested in finding out more about custom web design or search engine optimization, visit our friends at TheeDesign.com or call 919-341-8901.